Monday 24 October 2011

Alderley Edge

View fron Castle Rock
Arrived in Alderley Edge on Sunday afternoon and couldn't resist going straight up to the Edge.  I should have known better:  not even the stunning view above could make up for what Alan Garner described  in 'the Weirdstone of Brisingamen': 
It was not often they visited the Edge.  Sometimes at the weekend they could go there, but then the woods were peopled with townsfolk who, shouting and crashing through the undergrowth, and littering the ground with food wrappings and empty bottles, completely destroyed the atmosphere of the place…Nothing remained.  This place where beauty and terror had been as opposite sides of the same coin, was now a playground of noise.  Its spirit was dead – or hidden.  There was nothing to show that svart or wizard had ever existed.
So crowded, and therefore much of the appeal of the Edge was lost.
At some stage I'll put up the other pictures if  I can ever work out how"helpful" picture sharing software works!

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